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Volunteer Opportunities

The Arts Validation Network is still new and evolving, and because our financial picture is limited to paying the monthly bills to keep us on the air, we currently rely on volunteers to help us grow in multiple directions. If you would like to contribute your skills, expertise and enthusiasm, we would like to know you. Check out the opportunities listed below and contact TAVN at if you or someone you know is interested in any of these positions. You may also visit our Contact Us page on this website.



On-Air Hosts

We want persons with radio experience and who also have home studio equipment to record and produce their own one or two hour shows. An audition will be needed and training will be provided. We can also give you a list of affordable equipment to get you started.


Submit a letter of interest outlining your background and qualification, describe the type of show you envision and provide a sample list of 100 songs that you might play on your program.


Social Media

As the name states, TAVN is an Arts Validation Network and therefore we’re interested in promoting all the arts, not just music, even as that is our main thrust. We need someone skilled in creating social media content on different platforms. Can you identify interesting and important events, exhibits, and performances that link TAVN to the larger Art world?  Can you creatively promote the station, our hosts, and other--established and up-and-coming--musicians, artists, actors, playwrights, writers? If so, we want you to join our team.


Send a letter of inquiry as well as examples of your past work in social media​



Do you have stories to tell? Would you like to get your voice out there and share your knowledge and passion?  We’re looking for people to write reviews and essays on what is happening in various communities. It could be reviews of musical performances and recordings, films and plays, books, art exhibits and social activism and the Arts. If that speaks to you, we have a platform waiting for you.


Send a letter of inquiry and a writing sample of work done along these.



Do you know people passionate about giving back to a community? Can you help us find individuals who might be great as on-air hosts, or board members and advisors, as well as station underwriters, potential philanthropists, and grant making entities. 


Send us a note describing who you know and how you might help connect them with TAVN at

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